Naked Brunch Book Club

Naked Brunch Book Club

Auteur, David Cronenberg has drawn frequently from literature with deeply psychological narratives, existential crises and transgressive characters.

Alongside the exhibition David Cronenberg: Transformation the Naked Brunch Book Club will meet over three titles taken from a list of books that Cronenberg has adapted to film. Reserve your spot for one or all of the discussions. Be prepared to enter the worlds of intensely co-dependent twin gynaecologists, a genteel café owner and family man with a jarring past, and a junkie who travels through a twisted temporal reality searching for a fix while fleeing arrest.

Whilst there will croissants and tea, this is not the Jane Austen book club. There will be PERVERSE THEMES. There will be OBSCENE LANGUAGE. There will be VIOLENCE.

RSVP – Each meeting limited to 15 participants
BYOB (Bring Your Own Book) and come prepared for a discussion
Please reserve your spot by emailing:
Your name
phone number
title of the book & club meeting date you wish to participate in
Email to